Fire Danger Rating Scheme
The information presented here has been superseded by the Australian Fire Danger Rating System, however it remains the basis of the Fire Danger Rating Scheme used on this website.
In the wake of the Black Saturday bushfires, Victoria adopted the nationally agreed Fire Danger Rating (FDR) scale to help communities understand information about fire danger. This new rating scale recognised the significant increase in severe bushfire conditions over the past decade and the subsequent greater level of danger to the community.
The new scale and the associated conditions described below are based on the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) and the Grassland Fire Danger Index (GFDI). The FFDI is the basis for determining the FDR and provides an assessment of the potential fire behaviour, the difficulty of suppressing a fire, and the potential impact on the community should a bushfire occur on a given day.
The FFDI was developed in the 1960s by CSIRO scientist A.G. McArthur to measure the degree of danger of fire in Australian forests. The index combines a record of dryness, based on rainfall and evaporation, with meteorological variables for wind speed, temperature and humidity. The GFDI is based on the FFDI approach and incorporates the degree of grassland curing (drying).
Code Red
FFDI = 100+ | GFDI = 150+
- These are the worst conditions for a bush or grass fire,
- Homes are not designed or constructed to withstand fires in these conditions, and
- The safest place to be is away from high risk bushfire areas.
Code Red is known as Catastrophic in some states.
FFDI = 75 - 100 | GFDI = 100 - 150
- Expect extremely hot, dry and windy conditions,
- If a fire starts and takes hold, it will be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast moving. Spot fires will start, move quickly and come from many directions,
- Homes that are situated and constructed or modified to withstand a bushfire, that are well prepared and actively defended, may provide safety, and
- You must be physically and mentally prepared to defend in these conditions.
FFDI = 50 - 75 | GFDI = 50 - 100
- Expect hot, dry and possibly windy conditions,
- If a fire starts and takes hold, it may be uncontrollable,
- Well prepared homes that are actively defended can provide safety, and
- You must be physically and mentally prepared to defend in these conditions.
Low to Moderate / High / Very High
FFDI & GFDI = 0 - 12 (LM), 12 - 25 (H), 25 - 50 (VH)
- If a fire starts, it can most likely be controlled in these conditions and homes can provide safety,
- Be aware of how fires can start and minimise the risk, and
- Controlled burning off may occur in these conditions if it is safe - check to see if permits apply.
Grassland Curing
During the fire season, a network of CFA volunteers provide weekly assessments of the amount of dry and dead grass, also known as grassland curing. The level of curing is an important factor in predicting fire behaviour and has a dramatic effect on the GFDI.
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