Element Definitions

Element: abs

Variable: %absolute_pressure%

XML Syntax: <abs>%absolute_pressure%</abs>

Uncorrected barometric pressure.

The pressure as read without correcting for the height of the station.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <abs>%[pressure_absolute]hpa%</abs>

back ]

Element: airtemp

Variable: %outside_temperature%

Syntax: <airtemp>%outside_temperature%</airtemp>

Outside air temperature.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <airtemp>%[outdoor_temperature]deg_C%</airtemp>

back ]

Element: alias

Variable: %common_name%

Syntax: <alias>%common_name%</alias>

Alias or common name of the weather station.

Typically identifies the weather station online, e.g. Somewhere Weather.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <alias> synchronises with master metadata file </alias>

back ]

Element: altitude

Variable: %altitude%

Syntax: <altitude>%altitude%</altitude>

Altitude of the weather station.

Typically taken where the rain gauge is located.

Rounded to the nearest whole unit of height.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Integer.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <altitude> synchronises with master metadata file </altitude>

back ]

Element: apparent

Variable: %windchill%

Syntax: <apparent>%windchill%</apparent>

Wind chill temperature.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

More information: Apparent Temperature

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <apparent>%[windchill]deg_C%</apparent>

back ]

Element: automatic

Variable: %auto_obs%

Syntax: <automatic>%auto_obs%</automatic>

Indicator if the instrument transmits automated observations.

Permitted values are "1" for yes or "0" for no.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <automatic> synchronises with master metadata file </automatic>

back ]

Element: caption

Variable: %description_of_subject%

Syntax: <caption>%description_of_subject%</caption>

Subject of the photograph.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <caption> synchronises with master metadata file </caption>

back ]

Element: climate_zone

Variable: %climate_zone%

Syntax: <climate_zone>%climate_zone%</climate_zone>

Classification of the area surrounding the weather station.

Urban Climate Zone is specified by the WMO.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

More information: Urban Climate Zones

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <climate_zone> synchronises with master metadata file </climate_zone>

back ]

Element: commenced

Variable: %station_opened%

Syntax: <commenced>%station_opened%</commenced>

Date the weather station opened.

Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Date.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <commenced> synchronises with master metadata file </commenced>

back ]

Element: country

Variable: %country%

Syntax: <country>%country%</country>

Country in which the weather station is located.

Formatted in full text or abbreviated using the 3-letter ISO Country Code.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

More information: ISO Alpha-3 Country Codes

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <country> synchronises with master metadata file </country>

back ]

Element: date

Variable: %international_date%

Syntax: <date>%international_date%</date>

Local date of the observation.

Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Time.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <date>%[time2]time_date_international%</date>

back ]

Element: degrees

Variable: %wind_direction_degrees%

Syntax: <degrees>%wind_direction_degrees%</degrees>

Wind direction in degrees (relative to true north) from which the wind is blowing.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document

Application: <degrees>%[wind_direction]deg%</degrees>

back ]

Element: description

Variable: %instrument_type%

Syntax: <description>%instrument_type%</description>

Description of the instrument (or sensor).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <description> synchronises with master metadata file </description>

back ]

Element: dewpoint

Variable: %outside_dewpoint%

Syntax: <dewpoint>%outside_dewpoint%</dewpoint>

Outside dew point temperature.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <dewpoint>%[dewpoint]deg_C%</dewpoint>

back ]

Element: evap_sensor

Variable: %evaporation_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <evap_sensor>%evaporation_sensor_status%</evap_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <evap_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </evap_sensor>.

back ]

Element: evap

Variable: %evap24hr%

XML Syntax: <evap>%evap24hr%</evap>

Amount of evaporation in the past 24 hours. Nominally recorded at 9.00 am.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <evap> value entered manually and cleared daily </evap>.

back ]

Element: exposure

Variable: %instrument_location%

Syntax: <exposure>%instrument_location%</exposure>

Location of the instrument.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <exposure> synchronises with master metadata file </exposure>

back ]

Element: ffdc

Variable: %forest_fire_danger%

Syntax: <ffdc>%forest_fire_danger%</ffdc>,

Local forest fire danger rating calculated by FWI Calc.

Permitted values are "LOW", "LOW MOD", "MODERATE", "HIGH", "VERY HIGH", "SEVERE", "EXTREME" or "CODE RED".

Required = Optional | Type = String.

More information: Fire Danger Ratings

Application: <ffdc>^fwiffdidcl^</ffdc>

back ]

Element: gfdc

Variable: %grassland_fire_danger%

Syntax: <gfdc>%grassland_fire_danger%</gfdc>

Local grassland fire danger rating calculated by FWI Calc.

Permitted values are "LOW", "LOW MOD", "MODERATE", "HIGH", "VERY HIGH", "SEVERE", "EXTREME" or "CODE RED".

Required = Optional | Type = String.

More information: Fire Danger Ratings

Application: <gfdc>^fwigfdidcl^</gfdc>

back ]

Element: gust

Variable: %wind_gust%

Syntax: <gust>%wind_gust%</gust>

Highest wind gust in the last 10 minutes.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document

Application: <gust>%[wind_gust]kmh%</gust>

back ]

Element: high_type

Variable: %high_cloud_type%

XML Syntax: <high_type>%high_cloud_type%</hgh_type>

Type of high cloud.

Permitted values are "0" to "9" or "/".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 0509.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <high_type> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </high_type>

back ]

Element: humidity

Variable: %outside_humidity%

Syntax: <humidity>%outside_humidity%</humidity>

Outside relative humidity.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <humidity>%[humidity_levels]outdoor_percent_int%</humidity>

back ]

Element: imageURI

Variable: %absolute_path_to_photo%

Syntax: <imageURI>%absolute_path_to_photo%</imageURI>

Absolute path of the photograph on the web server.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <imageURI> synchronises with master metadata file </imageURI>

back ]

Element: in-service

Variable: %instrument_operational%

Syntax: <in-service>%instrument_operational%</in-service>

Indicator if the instrument is operational.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for inactive.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <in-service> synchronises with master metadata file </in-service>

back ]

Element: latitude

Variable: %latitude%

Syntax: <latitude>%latitude%</latitude>

Latitude of the weather station.

Typically taken where the rain gauge is positioned.

Formatted in decimal degrees and prefixed by "-" if the station is located in the southern hemisphere.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <latitude> synchronises with master metadata file </latitude>

back ]

Element: longitude

Variable: %longitude%

Syntax: <longitude>%longitude%</longitude>

Longitude of the weather station.

Typically taken where the rain gauge is positioned.

Formatted in decimal degrees and prefixed by "-" if the station is located in the western hemisphere.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <longitude> synchronises with master metadata file </longitude>

back ]

Element: low_type

Variable: %low_cloud_type%

XML Syntax: <low_type>%low_cloud_type%</low_type>

Type of low cloud.

Permitted values are "0" to "9" or "/".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 0513.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <low_type> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </low_type>

back ]

Element: lowest_amount

Variable: %lowest_cloud_amount%

XML Syntax: <lowest_amount>%lowest_cloud_amount%</lowest_amount>

Amount of the lowest level cloud (low or middle).

Permitted values are "0" to "9" or "/".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 2700.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <lowest_amount> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </lowest_amount>

back ]

Element: lowest_base

Variable: %lowest_cloud_height%

XML Syntax: <lowest_base>%lowest_cloud_height%</lowest_base>

Height of the base of lowest level cloud (low or middle).

Permitted values are "0" to "9".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 1600.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <lowest_base> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </lowest_base>

back ]

Element: make

Variable: %instrument_manufacturer%

Syntax: <make>%instrument_manufacturer%</make>

Manufacturer of the instrument.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <make> synchronises with master metadata file </make>

back ]

Element: max_temp

Variable: %maximum_temperature%

XML Syntax: <max_temp>%maximum_temperature%</max_temp>

Maximum temperature.

The highest temperature since 9.00 am. Nominally recorded at 6.00 pm.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <max_temp> value entered manually and cleared daily </max_temp>

back ]

Element: middle_type

Variable: %middle_cloud_type%

XML Syntax: <middle_type>%middle_cloud_type%</middle_type>

Type of middle cloud.

Permitted values are "0" to "9" or "/".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 0515.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <middle_type> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </middle_type>

back ]

Element: min_temp

Variable: %minimum_temperature%

XML Syntax: <min_temp>%minimum_temperature%</min_temp>

Minimum temperature.

The lowest temperature since midnight. Nominally recorded at 9.00 am

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <min_temp> value entered manually and cleared daily </min_temp>

back ]

Element: model

Variable: %instrument_model%

Syntax: <model>%instrument_model%</model>

Model of the instrument.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <model> synchronises with master metadata file </model>

back ]

Element: mslp

Variable: %relative_pressure%

Syntax: <mslp>%relative_pressure%</mslp>

Mean sea level pressure.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <mslp>%[pressure_relative]hpa%</mslp>

back ]

Element: mslp_change

Variable: %pressure_change%

Syntax: <mslp_change>%pressure_change%</mslp_change>

Change in pressure over the specified period.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <mslp_change>%[3hour_rates_of_change]outdoor_relative_pressure_rate_hpa%</mslp_change>

back ]

Element: mslp_trend

Variable: %pressure_trend%

XML Syntax: <mslp_trend>%pressure_trend%</mslp_trend>.

Trend in pressure over the specified period.

Permitted values are "Falling", "Rising" or "Steady".

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <mslp_trend>%[3hour_rates_of_change]outdoor_relative_pressure_trend%</mslp_trend>

back ]

Element: name

Variable: %station_name%

Syntax: <name>%station_name%</name>

Full name of the weather station.

The recommended convention is "primary name (secondary name)", which is consistent with standard Australian Bureau of Meteorology practice.

The primary name identifies the town where the weather station is located.

The secondary name is more specific about the location and is helpful when there are other weather stations in the same town. Examples include: street name, geographic feature, housing estate, community or institution.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <name> synchronises with master metadata file </name>

back ]

Element: parseFWI

Variable: %FWI_parse_time%

XML Syntax: <parseFWI>%FWI_parse_time%</parseFWI>

Local time when FWI Calc parsed the fire danger ratings to the PWS software.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Application: <parseFWI>^fwitime^</parseFWI>

back ]

Element: pastWX

Variable: %past_weather%

XML Syntax: <pastWX>%past_weather%</pastWX>

Description of the weather since the last observation.

Permitted values are "0" to "9".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 4561.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <pastWX> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </pastWX>

back ]

Element: point

Variable: %wind_direction_points%

Syntax: <point>%wind_direction_points%</point>

Wind direction in cardinal, ordinal and secondary-intercardinal points (relative to true North) from which the wind is blowing.

Permitted values are "N", "S", "E", "W", "NE", "SE", "SW", "NW", "NNE", "ENE", "ESE", "SSE", "SSW", "WSW", "WNW" or "NNW".

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document

Application: <point>%[wind_direction]name%</point>

back ]

Element: pres_sensor

Variable: %pressure_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <pres_sensor>%pressure_sensor_status%</pres_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <pres_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </pres_sensor>.

back ]

Element: presentWX

Variable: %present_weather%

XML Syntax: <presentWX>%present_weather%</presentWX>

Description of the weather at the time of the observation.

Permitted values are "00" to "99".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 4677.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <presentWX> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </presentWX>

back ]

Element: primary

Variable: %instrument_role%

Syntax: <primary>%instrument_role%</primary>

Indicator if the instrument is a primary instrument.

Useful when multiple instruments measure the same weather parameter.

Permitted values are "1" for yes or "0" for no.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <primary> synchronises with master metadata file </primary>

back ]

Element: program

Variable: %program_name%

Syntax: <program>%program_name%</program>

Name of the software program.

In the first instance this refers to the personal weather station software, i.e. PC / PWS interface software.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <program> synchronises with master metadata file </program>

back ]

Element: purpose

Variable: %program_description%

Syntax: <purpose>%program_description%</purpose>

Purpose of the software program.

In the first instance this refers to the personal weather station software, i.e. PC / PWS interface software.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <purpose> synchronises with master metadata file </purpose>

back ]

Element: pws

Variable: %pws_type%

Syntax: <pws>%pws_type%</pws>

The make and model of personal weather station (PWS).

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <pws> synchronises with master metadata file </pws>

back ]

Element: rain_sensor

Variable: %rain_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <rain_sensor>%rain_sensor_status%</rain_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <rain_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </rain_sensor>.

back ]

Element: rain1hr

Variable: %1hr_rain%

Syntax: <rain1hr>%1hr_rain%</rain1hr>

Amount of rainfall in the last hour.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <rain1hr>%[rain_1h]mm%</rain1hr>

back ]

Element: rain24hr

Variable: %24hr_rain%

Syntax: <rain24hr>%24hr_rain%</rain24hr>

Amount of rainfall in the last 24 hours.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <rain24hr>%[rain_24h]mm%</rain24hr>

back ]

Element: raintoday

Variable: %rain_today%

Syntax: <raintoday>%rain_today%</raintoday>

Amount of rainfall since midnight.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <raintoday>%[rain_daily]mm%</raintoday>

back ]

Element: site_rating

Variable: %site_rating%

Syntax: <site_rating>%site_rating%</site_rating>

Overall site rating of the weather station.

Site Rating is specified by the Weather Observations Website (WOW).

Required = Mandatory | Type = Integer.

More information: Site Rating

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <site_rating> synchronises with master metadata file </site_rating>

back ]

Element: sky_cover

Variable: %total_cloud_amount%

XML Syntax: <sky_cover>%total_cloud_amount%</sky_cover>

Total amount of cloud.

Permitted values are "0" to "9" or "/".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 2700.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <sky_cover> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </sky_cover>

back ]

Element: speed

Variable: %wind_speed%

Syntax: <speed>%wind_speed%</speed>

Average wind speed over the last 10 minutes.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document

Application: <speed>%[wind_speed]kmh%</speed>

back ]

Element: status

Variable: %station_status%

Syntax: <status>%station_status%</status>

Status of the weather station.

Permitted vales are "1" for open or "0" for closed.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Station Details Document.

Application: <status> synchronises with master metadata file </status>

back ]

Element: stnID

Variable: %station_identifier%

XML Syntax: <stnID>%station_identifier%</stnID>

WMO Index Number. The first two digits are referred to as the "block number" and refer to the broad geographic region (00-29 Europe, 30-59 Asia, 60-68 Africa, 69 special use, 70-79 North America, 80-89 South America, 90-99 Oceania). Each member country is provided with specific block numbers from the regional allocation. The last three digits are loosely referred to as the "station number" and is issued by the responsible National Meteorological Service.

Five digit number within the range 00000 to 99999.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <stnID> synchronises with master metadata file </stnID>

back ]

Element: sun_sensor

Variable: %sunshine_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <sun_sensor>%sunshine_sensor_status%</sun_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <sun_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </sun_sensor>.

back ]

Element: sunshine

Variable: %sunshine_yesterday%

XML Syntax: <sunshine>%sunshine_yesterday%</sunshine>

Duration of sunshine recorded yesterday. The element is nominally reported at 9.00 am.

Required = Optional | Type = Decimal.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <sunshine> value entered manually and cleared daily </sunshine>.

back ]

Element: surface_vis

Variable: %horizontal_visibility%

XML Syntax: <surface_vis>%horizontal_visibility%</surface_vis>

Horizontal visibility.

Permitted values are "00" to "50" or "55" to "89".

Specified by WMO in Code Table 4377.

Required = Optional | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <surface_vis> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </surface_vis>

back ]

Element: temp_sensor

Variable: %temperature_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <temp_sensor>%temperature_sensor_status%</temp_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <temp_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </temp_sensor>.

back ]

Element: time

Variable: %24hr_time%

Syntax: <time>%24hr_time%</time>.

Local time of the observation.

Formatted as HH:MM:SS using a 24 hour clock.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Time.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <time>%[time2]time_hms%</time>

back ]

Element: timeManual

Variable: %local_time_manual%

XML Syntax: <timeManual>%local_time_manual%</timeManual>

Local time of the manual observation.

Formatted as HH:MM using a 24 hour clock.

Required = Optional | Type = String.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <timeManual> value entered manually and cleared before next observation </timeManual>

back ]

Element: timezone

Variable: %timezone%

Syntax: <timezone>%timezone%</timezone>

Time offset from UTC.

Formatted as HH:MM and prefixed by "+" in the eastern hemisphere or "-" in the western hemisphere.

This will advance by 1:00 hour during daylight saving.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

More information: World Time Zones

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <timezone> synchronises with master metadata file </timezone>

back ]

Element: trend_period

Variable: %pressure_change_period%

Syntax: <trend_period>%pressure_change_period%</trend_period>

Period in hours over which the pressure change is calculated.

The international standard is 3 hours.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Integer.

Usage: Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <trend_period>%[user]period_mslp_change%</trend_period>

back ]

Element: unit_dewpoint

Variable: %unit_dewpoint%

Syntax: <unit_dewpoint>%unit_dewpoint%</unit_dewpoint>

Unit of dew point temperature.

Permitted values are "C" (Celcius) or "F" (Fahrenheit).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_dewpoint> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_dewpoint>

back ]

Element: unit_evap

Variable: %unit_evaporation%

XML Syntax: <unit_evap>%unit_evaporation%</unit_evap>

Unit of evaporation.

Permitted values are "mm" or "in".

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <unit_evap> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_evap>.

back ]

Element: unit_height

Variable: %unit_height%

Syntax: <unit_height>%unit_height%</unit_height>

Unit of height.

Permitted values are "m" (metres) or "ft" (feet).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <unit_height> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_height>

back ]

Element: unit_humidity

Variable: %unit_humidity%

Syntax: <unit_humidity>%unit_humidity%</unit_humidity>

Unit of humidity.

The permitted value is "%" (percentage).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_humidity> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_humidity>

back ]

Element: unit_pressure

Variable: %unit_pressure%

Syntax: <unit_pressure>%unit_pressure%</unit_pressure>

Unit of atmospheric pressure.

Permitted values are "hPa" (hectopascals), "mb" (millibars) or "in" (inches of Mercury).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_pressure> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_pressure>

back ]

Element: unit_rain

Variable: %unit_rain%

Syntax: <unit_rain>%unit_rain%</unit_rain>

Unit of rainfall.

Permitted values are "mm" (millimetres) or "in" (inches).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_rain> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_rain>

back ]

Element: unit_sun

Variable: %unit_sunshine%

XML Syntax: <unit_sun>%unit_sunshine%</unit_sun>

Unit of bright sunshine duration.

Permitted values are "hr".

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <unit_sun> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_sun>.

back ]

Element: unit_temperature

Variable: %unit_temperature%

Syntax: <unit_temperature>%unit_temperature%</unit_temperature>

Unit of air temperature.

Permitted values are "C" (Celcius) or "F" (Fahrenheit).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_temperature> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_temperature>

back ]

Element: unit_wind

Variable: %unit_wind_speed%

Syntax: <unit_wind>%unit_wind_speed%</unit_wind>

Unit of wind speed.

Permitted values are "kn" (knots), "kph" (kilometres per hour), "mph" (miles per hour) or "mps" (metres per second).

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document | Data Visualisation Document.

Application: <unit_wind> synchronises with master metadata file </unit_wind>

back ]

Element: version

Variable: %program_version%

Syntax: <version>%program_version%</version>

Version of the software program.

In the first instance this refers to the personal weather station software, i.e. PC / PWS interface software.

Required = Mandatory | Type = String.

Usage: Station Details Document | Current Weather Document.

Application: <version> synchronises with master metadata file </version>

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Element: wind_sensor

Variable: %wind_sensor_status%

XML Syntax: <wind_sensor>%wind_sensor_status%</wind_sensor>

Operational status of the sensor.

Permitted values are "1" for operational or "0" for non-operational.

Required = Mandatory | Type = Boolean.

Usage: Current Weather Document.

Application: <wind_sensor> synchronises with master metadata file </wind_sensor>.

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