Data Visualisation Project
This was a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) self-education exercise. KML is a form of XML used to convey geographic information and allow visualisation on maps and Earth browsers such as Google Earth.
The aim was to gain an understanding of KML and create a working and valid KML document. With many websites collecting and mapping weather data from PWS around the world, it was an obvious choice to develop an experimental data exchange format to visualise our weather data in Google Earth. It was intended that our PWS software would be programmed to automatically generate the data exchange format at regular intervals.
Project Stages
The stages of the project were as follows:
- Match variables with the required station details and weather data,
- Create a Data Visualisation Document
Project Variables
The variables used in this project are listed below. Select a variable to view the complete XML element definition, including: the element name and description, the expected data type, the permitted values where explicitly defined, and whether the element is mandatory or optional.
The variables in the template file are replaced with the equivalent output tags from the PWS software. If a variable has no equivalent output tag from the PWS software, the options are to: (1) create a user-defined output tag for the PWS software containing the appropriate value, or (2) replace the variable in the template file with the appropriate value. If an optional variable is permanently unavailable, the line in the template file containing the variable is deleted.
- %1hr_rain%
- %24hr_rain%
- %24hr_time%
- %altitude%
- %international_date%
- %latitude%
- %longitude%
- %outside_dewpoint%
- %outside_humidity%
- %outside_temperature%
- %pressure_change%
- %pressure_change_period%
- %relative_pressure%
- %station_name%
- %unit_dewpoint%
- %unit_humidity%
- %unit_pressure%
- %unit_rain%
- %unit_temperature%
- %unit_wind_speed%
- %wind_direction_degrees%
- %wind_direction_points%
- %wind_gust%
- %wind_speed%
Project Status
This 2017 project successfully achieved its aims but is now closed. The KML file is routinely generated for personal interest.
Screen dump of an observation in Google Earth.