Monthly Weather Review, January 2023

Published: February 1, 2023


The total rainfall was 10.0 mm, which is 13.6% of the long-term January mean rainfall.

The mean maximum temperature was 26.7° C, which is 0.6° C cooler than the long-term January mean maximum temperature.

The mean minimum temperature was 16.3° C, which equals the long-term January mean minimum temperature.

Weather Records

The total monthly rainfall of 10.0 mm is the lowest total rainfall recorded in January. The previous record was 13.0 mm in 2019.

Monthly Review

Truganina Weather monthly summary, January 2023

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Monthly Meteograms

graph of January 2023 daily rainfall at Truganina Weather graph of January 2023 daily temperatures at Truganina Weather
Click on a graph to see it displayed at full-size

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Performance Monitoring

The daily rainfall and temperature data are routinely compared against the BoM AWS at Laverton for quality assurance. The daily rainfall is also routinely compared against the Melbourne Water rainfall and river level station on Skeleton Creek at Hoppers Crossing (Hoppers in the table below).

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performance monitoring report

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Units of Measurement

Unless otherwise advised, temperature is given in degrees Celsius (° C) and rainfall in millimetres (mm).

Observation Times & Reporting Periods

The main observation for the day is at 9 am when the precipitation over the past 24 hours is determined, and the maximum and minimum thermometers are also read and reset. The following conventions are used for assigning dates to the observations made:

Climatology & Station Records

Our climatology and station records are based on all available data since 1 April 2017. All annual data are based on complete calendar years commencing in 2018. If a station record is equalled, the most recent date shall supersede the previous date to conform to standard BoM practice.

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